Evolution of Education
Education has evolved in a Smithian environment of specialization to favor specialists. Generalist big-picture thinkers like Marx and Smith (specialists in generalization) are a minority and feared by small-picture specialists, however they are interdependent and neither can get much done without the other. Although big-picture thinkers are highly valued in society, radicals of this type tend to get left out of the educational system, for they don't fit in boxes. When they spill out of their boxes, it disturbs the specialists and upsets equilibrium. In the interest of keeping equilibrium, and thereby equality, among students with varying evolutionary speeds and learning styles, those evolving faster must be slowed down to the same speed as the slowest learner in the class. In the modern world, this is accomplished with punishments (suspension, bad grades) and drugging with powerful narcotics that occasionally influence them to shoot up schools and/or kill themselves. Many of the slowed down students who end up getting either expelled or frustrated enough to quit usually go on to make up the dregs of society. Indeed, prisons and homeless shelters are filled with some of the most intelligent people in our society. The ones who manage to slip through this creativity filter go on to become the specialists' bosses', and are the people that change the world by doing great things. Sometimes they make a lot of money in the process and are then hated even more by society for being greedy, although the survival of society is dependent on them, for they are the ones who put together the specialists' small pictures to solve the big problems. Does social class come from wealth or thinking style? Which one is the oppressed class, again?
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