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Khan model

video lectures for homework, discussion and debate in class
tags in videos tell viewer to pause and search for key terms and concepts

Add element of team competition to every class to build intrinsic motivation.

goldilocks level competition
 1.too little and no cohesion
 2.too much creates hostility and aggression

Teams of 4-5 work well for most tasks

 1.special ops
 3.larger teams broken into networked subunits of 4-5
 4.task dependent rotational leadership
Competition motivates cooperation by providing structure for team building.

Minimize external rewards

shifts focus from intrinsic motivation
reserve accolades for truly outstanding deeds
must be infrequent and unexpected, no set periodical awards other than diploma/degree
 1.MoH rewards in business

Limit Punishments

reserved for clear cases of criminal misconduct
 1.must be a victim
somewhat severe and infrequent

Loose structure

allows larger choice set for creative and convergent adaptation
set goal, let students figure it out with finite resources under cooperative/competitive framework

Utilize video games] to full educational potential

Military/industrial use of simulators
 1.America's Army - military recruiting and research tool
Can be customized for student's learning style
 1.Mods can be used to customize gameplay for various lessons   
 2.Creating games can provide motivation for learning various skills
Diverse mix of games can be used for development of different skills
 1.complex video games build cognitive skills to deal with complexity. They have built in rewards systems to entice the user to continue playing.    
 2.Challenging (goldilocks level) games with educational content intrinsically motivate the student. The student learns because s/he wants to rather than being coerced.
   a) Civilization and Total War series' Competitive/cooperative turn-based strategy
   b) Minecraft - computer Legos
   c) MMPORPG's – social systems
 First-person, action, sports games
  a)reflexive training
 Simple and puzzle type games help to build base cognitive skills 
  a)Competitive single player
  b)Player only gets frustrated with self -forces adaptation.
  c)Token reward system

Teach adaptive and exaptive skills

life hacks -Mcgyver classes
how to find details-on-demand
web/online library search terms and parameters
Wolphram Alpha, other useful sites

Specialization in Generalization major

Must have descriptive name - Complex systems analysis
Composed of mostly intro type classes
Emphasis on biology, physics, math, all social sciences, computer science, network and systems analysis
tied together with interdisciplinary complexity upper-level classes
parsing out details and reduce to concepts

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